Just 2 weeks ago, on September 18, 2009, our state officer team as well as the other national convention delegates, Kyle & Liz , received an important mission.
Write your 30 second FFA elevator speech.
I had a rewarding experience spending my time with the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation at their head office in Eagan, Minnesota. While the day served as time for us as delegates to prepare for National Convention, it was first and foremost time for us to meet the faces of MfBf and further understand what we as FFA members can do for them. Staci Bohlen, National Issues Specialist, shared with us the current national issues that Farm Bureau and agriculture are facing. Based on what Staci described about her job, I would like to try it out myself some day! Kristin Harner , Public Relations and Foundation Director, additionally shared with us what her daily job is like, including the publication of the newspaper "The Voice." Besides learning more about Kristin's role, it was great to talk with her and see her being she is my MENTOR for the year!
Kevin Paap, President of the Minnesota Farm Bureau and good friend of Minnesota FFA, gave us a challenge: Write your 30 second FFA elevator speech.
What is the elevator speech? Here is my interpretation:
Think about it...
Whenever you wear you FFA jacket, people are going to notice.
What is going through their mind ?
"What is this 'FFA' they have on their jackets?"... "Are they security guards?"
Think about a time you have been in an elevator, wearing the good ol' corduroy.
State Convention.. National Convention.. A conference.. Traveling.. wherever...
State Convention.. National Convention.. A conference.. Traveling.. wherever...
You get into the elevator, and the people in the elevator give you one look and ask,
"What is FFA ?"
You don't have much time- 7 floors- 30 seconds.
This is your time to share what you believe about the organization, what you know and what is important.
What do you say ?
I encourage all, whether or not you still wear the jacket or not, to think about what you would say. If you would like, and it would be really cool, please comment with "YOUR 30 Second FFA" speech.
Here is mine,
FFA is a dynamic youth organization that engages students enrolled in agricultural education by providing opportunities for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. Since its beginning in 1928, the National FFA Organization has grown from just 33 farm boys to over 507,000 young men and women with the common desire to lead, learn and serve. Because of this organization, I have become a stronger leader with a positive vision for my own future in agriculture. It has changed my life, as well as many others.
I am grateful for people like those at Minnesota Farm Bureau. People who are passionate about what they do and willing to share their knowledge and passion with others. THANK YOU for your outstanding support and partnership with Minnesota FFA!
... (Thank you for Jimmy John's and raspberries too!)
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